The Mystery Woman
The Mystery Woman tells the incredible true story of a young Polish woman who ventured on foot from the U.S. East Coast to the Bering Strait to regain her freedom.
In 1926, Lillian was working in New York under terrible conditions reserved for Eastern European immigrant women. Outraged, she decided to return home, but she didn’t have a penny in her pocket to pay for her return ticket. No problem, she’ll walk. And so begins an insane journey of over 8,000 kilometers across the Far North, from the settlements of British Columbia to the ghost towns of the Gold Rush, from the native communities of Canada to the Eskimos of the Diomede Islands.
The epic story of this powerful woman echoes the trajectories of all migrants, past and present, and reveals a hidden history of the North American continent.
Kepler22 ProductionsLes Astronautes
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